La construcción del miedo y la perdida de lo público


ENG: Muntadas. La construcción del miedo y la pérdida de lo público' is the catalogue of the exhibition which took place at Centro José Guerrero in Granada, 2008, and which showed a selection of Muntada’s works from the 70s and 80s until nowadays. All the works were related with TV, with a focus on a critical analysis of fear to the other as a driving force of a geopolitics of the threat; the iconography as well as the message of the mass media facing the lost of spaces of encounters and disencounters, dialogue and confrontation, of the public space. CAS: Muntadas.

Muntadas: Con/textos II. Una antología crítica


ENG: Each letter of this critical anthology about the artist Antoni Muntadas, are part of the backbone of a more complex project by several authors in the questions of the literary genre itself, such as that relating to art.These volumes represent a place of review and testimony, which exceeds the continent and follows exhibitions, to become a book with own weight on reason and criticism of art, culture, media, society, but particularly on the idea of ​​the admirable, surrounding the ethics of an existential attitude from the work of an artist.

Muntadas Bs.As.


ENG:This catalog was published on the occasion of the exhibition MUNTADAS / BS. AS., Held at Espacio Fundación Telefónica between June and September 2007. It's a project developed for the city of Buenos Aires presented in three different institutions: Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Centro Cultural de España in Buenos Aires and Centro Recoleta.

Quejas [Publicación de artista sin firmar]


ENG: The Quejas series is based on a collection of photographs taken by Muntadas in Mexico, which continue with the artist research on language, society and human condition. CAS: Quejas es una publicación que recopila, en formato de carta postal, una de las series que Antoni Muntadas llevó a cabo en México, en la que continúa su investigación a cerca del lenguaje, la sociedad y la condición humana.

On Translation: Miedo / Jauf


On Translation: Miedo/Jauf es una edición en formato dvd de Antoni Muntadas, realizado entre Tarifa y Tánger entre 2006 y 2007.El video conjuga el registro de las entrevistas realizadas a treinta personas relacionadas de modos diversos y directamente con la frontera entre ambos países. El proyecto trata de mostrar cómo el miedo -una construcción cultural/sociológica que siempre remite al ámbito político y económico- es una emoción traducida a ambos lados de la frontera desde perspectivas muy diferentes.

Muntadas: Protokolle


Published in conjunction with Muntadas’ exhibition, Protokolle (June 18 - September 10, 2006), at the Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart. In Protokolle, the Spanish-born, New York-based artist Muntadas explores the meanings, mechanisms and effects of protocols reflected in a cultural body of legislation - from written documents produced according to specific rules through conventions of societal demeanor, diplomatic, military and religious codes to digital network protocols.