

ENG: Portraits is a book published in 1995 by Les Editions de l'Observatoire in Marseille. It is an artist's publication that collects portraits of various public figures transformed into icons by the media. Most of the content comes from different portraits found in international newspapers and is the result of a process of cutting, editing and blowing up black and white images to emphasize the relationship of the selected personalities with the microphones that are part of the piece.

Verbas: A sala de Prensa


ENG: This catalog was edited by Xunta de Galicia based on the exhibition Verbas: A press room, that La Consellería de Cultura provided through the Galician Center for Contemporary Art: Casa da Parra, from October 26 to December 22, of 1995, in Santiago de Compostela.This represented an unprecedented experience so far in Spain.

City Museum


ENG:Catalogue of the artists work, edited from a competition organized by the Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie Délégation aux Arts Plastiques in 1994. This publication is based on images collected which question the museum organizations and convention. CAS: Catálogo editado a partir de un concurso organizado por el Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie Délégation aux Arts Plastiques en el año 1994. La publicación se basa en un recogido de imágenes que cuestiona el lugar cerrado que puede parecer un museo en su estructura y sus conveciones.

Panem et Circenses


ENG: From amphitheatre to football stadiums, Muntadas shows the history of spectacle in a series of media photo clips that illuminate both the splendor and dark underbelly of mass entertainment.