About Academia II (the transcriptions: an internal document) [printed in Amsterdam]


The interviews whose fragments are included in this book were conducted between March and October 2016 in Baltimore County, Maryland, Cambridge, and New York City, and are an integral part of the About Academia project. This volume is not an independent publication but rather a complimentary tool intended to provide a broader context to the viewer.

About Academia II (the transcriptions: an internal document) [printed in Baltimore]


The interviews whose fragments are included in this book were conducted between March and October 2016 in Baltimore County, Maryland, Cambridge, and New York City, and are an integral part of the About Academia project. This volume is not an independent publication but rather a complimentary tool intended to provide a broader context to the viewer.

Asian Protocols. Muntadas. Similiartities, Diferences and Conflict. Japan, China, Korea


The exhibition title "Asian Protocols" refers to various conventions related to certain official and private matters either in society generally or in people's personal lives. When used in different situations, the word "protocol" can have a variety of meanings, such as a diplomatic procedure, an agreement and/or a document stipulating such an agreement, a system of customs and rules operating in society, the rules and methods regulating a scientific or artistic field, od the procedural methods and rules governing computer-based telecommunications, etc.

Muntadas: Asian Protocols


ENG / The Total Museum presents a major exhibition, the Muntadas: Asian Protocols by the internationally recognized artist Antoni Muntadas, one of the early pioneers of conceptual and media art. In this project, he highlights the similarities, differences, and conflicts between South Korea, China, and Japan through massive images.

Acte 28: Muntadas/Franch, dispositius d'exposició


Acte 28: Muntadas/Franch, dispositius d'exposición gira en torno a las múltiples colaboraciones que Antoni Muntadas y Enric Franch han llevado a cabo a lo largo de casi treinta años. La muestra parte de una reflexión sobre la forma en la que se expone el arte contemporáneo y nos permite aproximarnos a la relación entre el artista y el diseñador de una exposición, y entre las obras y el espacio expositivo. En esta línea, se presentan los trabajos que estos autores han realizado conjuntamente desde 1985.

ABOUT ACADEMIA (Case Study Vancouver: Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC)


Addressing the unique social, political, and economic context for universities and academia in Vancouver, British Columbia, this publication is part of Muntada's residency through the Audain Visual Artist in Residence Program at the School for Contemporary Arts at Simon Fraser University and is realized in partnership with Line magazine and the Audain Gallery.