On Translation: The Audience


ENG: The publication Muntadas – On Translation: The Audience develops and explores essential aspects of the new work, through notions related to the concepts of translation, reception, and interpretation in today’s culture. If the field of the action is limited to institutions, the project appealed to the critical capacity of the public to convert perception into meaning.

Muntadas: Proyectos / Projects


ENG: Muntadas Projects is a bet that revolves around the idea of ​​the project as the usual formula and type of expression and creates contemporary training. Try to provide the viewer / reader "an analytical view" on the path followed over three decades of activity.

CAS: Muntadas: Proyectos es una apuesta que gira alrededor de la idea de proyecto en tanto que fórmula usual y tipología de la expresión y crea ción contemporáneas. Intenta proporcionar al observador/lector la "visión análitica" sobre el recorrido seguido a lo largo de tres décadas de actividad.



A book that emerged from a photographic register of the frequent and often paradoxical use of the color blue in range of elements (telephone booths, street furniture, road sing, etc) scattered around the city of Arad in Romania. The persistence of this colour code and its emotional and political implications-in comparison with the iconic red of the previous Comunist régime- refflected the extent to which memory was being "translated" and how Romania society confronted its future.

On Translation: The Games


Muntadas continues his critical analysis of the media and its effect on the relationship between private and public spaces in contemporary society. For the past fifteen years he has developed multimedia installations that employ deconstructive strategies to reveal the symbolic and political meaning encoded in media archetypes, constructions or architectural representations such as the art gallery, the board room, the stadium, the automobile and the home.