Between the frames: The Forum


ENG:Between the Frames: The Forum (1983-93) is the result of Muntadas's interest in understanding why the intermediaries between the artist, the artwork and the public gained so much power in the 1980s. The installation comprises eight sections, each corresponding to an intermediary — dealers, collectors, galleries, museums, docents, critics, media and artists — arranged in a circular structure that evokes the form of a Panopticon.



внимание: восприятие требует соучастие es el título de la exposición curada por Daria Pyrkina en el National Centre for Contemporary Arts de Moscu. El título de esta exposición deriva de la famosa escrita elaborada por el artista en el 1999 y representada por prima vez en Ginebra: Warning: perception requires involvement; frase que después ha sido traducida en diversas lenguas y superado las fronteras de muchos países. Esta exposición se desarrolla en dos partes: La primera presenta un trabajo inédito del artista, On translation: Stand by: Moscow, realizado por la ciudad de Moscu.

Muntadas. Informação >> Espaço >> Controle


ENG:For this exhibition, in addition to presenting new versions for installations such as Stadium and On Subjectiviy, the artist has also produced a new work inspired by his experience in São Paulo: Alphaville e outros. The installatio, which includes reproductions of advertisements for real state developments in newspapers, bars used in house gates and a video with images of the Alphaville district in the metropolitan São Paulo area, among other elements, encourages a simulating reflection on contemporary life in gated communities.



ENG:"On Translation: Açik Radyo" is part of Antoni Muntadas' ongoing series of works and projects about communication, culture, and the role of art and the artist in contemporary life. This edition of three dvd set is the result of a two-year project created in the context of "Lives and Works in Istanbul," a program that invites artists from European countries to work in—and create works about—the city. Açik Radyo is an alternative, independent radio station that broadcasts throughout the metropolitan area of Istanbul.

On Translation_Paper/MVDR


Este libro recoge cuatro ensayos sobre la intervención de Muntadas en el Pabellón Mies van der Rohe de Barcelona. Muntadas se basa en la historia fantasmal del Pabellón, desmantelado en 1930 y recuperado en 1986, a partir de dos conceptos: el olor y la textura propias del papel antiguo y la tinta de los archivos.

Muntadas & Reese. Political Advertisement VII (1952-2008)


En el caso del actual Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía se subraya la relación entre el anterior edificio de Sabatini y la nueva ampliación realizada por Jean Nouvel. Es un trabajo sobre el diálogo posible entre ambos edificios, al tiempo que muestra cómo afecta la ampliación a la relación entre la institución museística y su arquitectura. Dos edificios de diferentes épocas se unen -como herida, prótesis, fusión- y dejan entrever una serie de implicaciones de antes y después de la intervención arquitectónica.

On Translation: Petit et Grand. MUNTADAS


ENG: The exposition (Instituto Cervantes, Paris) was built around the observation of a linguistic peculiarity of the use of French. It's about the exposition of all the different cases in the use of the word 'small' and the word 'big' in everyday written and spoken French. According Muntadas, the French granted to these two very specific values words, draw a moral scale in everyday life. Thus, the "small" would side with the intimate, of right, of the private, and the "big" would side with the public and history.



ENG: This work of Muntadas, Espacios, Lugares, Situaciones took part in Fundación Marcelino Botín, Santader.The title of this exhibition presents us the latest reflection of Antoni Muntadas on one of its problems: space and created situations in everyday life. It consists of 18 photographic works and video projections, including three new specific productions extending Santander's exploration Muntadas standardized spaces of everyday life productions.

…Miedo?: Un proyecto de Muntadas


ENG: ...MIEDO? is a proposal that continues and, in a way, it synthesizes different jobs through which muntades has explored, for almost twenty years ago, some of the mechanisms, strategies and springs that the use of Language made ​​in popular culture and on the media.

CAS: ... MIEDO? es una propuesta que continúa y, en cierto modo, sintetiza, diferentes trabajos a través de los cuales muntades ha explorado, desde hace casi veinte años, algunos de los mecanismos, las estratègias y los resortes que los usos lingüísticos adoptan en la cultura popular y en los media.