

audit appropriates the notion of an internal audit that checks an institution at a given time, both its dealings in the recent past and its future options. The institution in this context is the community of actors in the art scene who are equated with the employees of a globally operating company.



audit appropriates the notion of an internal audit that checks an institution at a given time, both its dealings in the recent past and its future options. The institution in this context is the community of actors in the art scene who are equated with the employees of a globally operating company.

Los Setenta. Una década multicolor


Catalogo dedicado a la exposición "Los Setenta. Una década multicolor", organizada por la Fundación Marcelino Botín y que tiene la mirada puesta en una época considerada crucial para la historia de las artes plásticas en nuestro país y coincidente con un cambio de la sociedad española que Raymond Carr califica, en términos estructurales, sin precedentes en siglos anteriores.

net_condition_art and global media


'net_condition_: art and global media is the first book to investigate the social, economic, political and artistic consequences of the networked media enveloping the planet. It brings together scholars, theorists, activists, and artists in both an evaluation of the social consequences and the artistic possibilities of net.culture...[This]is the second volume in the series "Electronic culture: History, Theory and Practice" edited by Timothy Druckrey. The first was "Ars Electronica: Facing the Future (1999)."' - Abstract from the inside of the book cover.

Media connection


Da quando, negli anni Sessanta, Marshall McLuhan spiegava al mondo che "il mezzo è il messaggio", gli artisti sembrano aver fatto di tutto per smentirlo. Ciò non ha loro impedito di usare ogni mezzo, ogni innovazione che la tecnologia andava offrendo.

Printed in Spain. Künstlerpublikationen der 60er bis 80 er Jahre / Impreso en España. Publicaciones de artistas de los años 60 a 80.


Catálogo editado con motivo de la exposición «Printed in Spain. Küntslerpublicationen der 60er bis 80er Jahre», organizada por el Instituto Cervantes de Bremen y celebrada en el Neues Museum Weserburg de esta ciudad alemana entre junio y octubre de 2001.

El libro ofrece por primera vez una visión conjunta de las publicaciones de artista -muchas de ellas, obras de arte- aparecidas en España en ls décadas de 1960, 70 y 80. Además de libros, hay revistas, discos, carteles, postales o tarjetas de invitación.