Documenta X. Short Guide / Kurzfuhrer


The last documenta of the twentieth century was the first directed by a woman, the French curator Catherine David. As might have been expected, she was awaited in Kassel with skepticism. Catherine David’s intellectual approach to this major exhibition— whose meaning and purpose she examined in the catalogue— and the critical assessment of the political, social, economic, and cultural issues of the contemporary globalized world for which she appealed, prompted fears about the autonomy of art in advance of the exhibition.

Artifices 4. St. Denis. Langages en perspective.


La biennale Artifices, quatrième du nom et déjà ancrée dans la réalité culturelle de Saint-Denis continue à explorer l'implication des nouveaux médias dans l'art contemporain.
"Langages en perspective": Artifices 4 donnera la parole aux artistes qui présenteront leurs œuvres et leurs recherches ayant trait aux multimédias, aux réseaux ou à la réalité virtuelle.

ARS 95 Helsinki


The topical issue of ARS 95 is the barrier between the private and public, by posing questions regarding identity, the human body, death, sexuality and social gender affiliations. It investigates the nature of society, group loyalties and political power structures, the media world and the images of virtual reality. The exhibition also emphasis visual language and its forms of expression, and considers interpretation as a means of communication between the art work and the viewer. 

Els límits del museu


Els límits del museu va constituir un assaig de qüestionament col·lectiu del significat i les realitzacions del museu dins el món occidental, i també del procés de transformació que l’afecta. El museu, tal com nosaltres l’entenem, està arribant a la seva fi? S’ha perpetuat més enllà de les seves definicions, des del classicisme fins a la postmodernitat? I, si és així, com evolucionarà en el futur?