«[W]ho decides if the project must go on? The artist, the commissioner, the circumstances (context, money, cultural or political events, etc).? Obviously, as well as conceptualising a reflection, of defining and proposing a project, the artist must persevere. Against all odds! Even if only to carry on defending his ideas, his responsibilities, to reveal his ‘obsessions’. Even when this commitment transcends the context of the execution of the project, we must drive the process forward, continue to dedicate our efforts to arrive at the end result.»
Amar, S. and Muntadas, A. (1996). Marseille/Givors: de la commande publique à l’intervention temporaire. In: Charre, A. and Vieux, J., ed., Art et Mégalopole RN 86. Liège: Pierre Mardaga Editeur, p.44.
The Muntadas Archive Association. Center of Studies and Research (ARXIU/AM) is a non-profit cultural association founded in 2011. Its members are professionals dedicated to the dissemination, conservation and creation of research projects on the work and production of Antoni Muntadas.
The main objective of the archive is to ensure the potential of Muntadas’ oeuvre, unique in the fields of art, communication, the social sciences and the humanities, as a useful legacy for our society. This continuity is to be articulated through research projects designed to facilitate knowledge transfer and to create networks for collaboration and exchange.
The ARXIU/AM is registered in the Catalan Government’s Register of Associations, and its activities are regulated in accordance with the Catalonia’s civil code and the Spanish Organic Law regulating the right of association.
«I’m interested in the relationship between art and life. Art influences life and life influences art.»
Acerca de MUNTADAS: Proyecto a través de Latinoamérica. (2011). [Video] Barcelona: Mercader, C. and Nacach, A.
The ARXIU/AM is inspired by Muntadas’ career, by his thought and working methods, taking up the way the artist links art and life and appropriating the values contained in the ART⇄LIFE coupling proposed by Muntadas in the 1970s, making reference to a reciprocal relationship between artistic work and its contexts.
The archive is structured through the concepts of project and commitment, characteristic of Muntadas’ artistic practice, permitting an interdisciplinary approach and an organization based on networking systems. The principles of commitment and collaboration both trigger and connect research.
Our work focuses on supporting the participation of researchers and professionals from diverse fields and geographic locations through the development of different projects, so that the archive will become a constantly expanding launching site. At ARXIU/AM we intend to generate and encourage new visions and itineraries as well as theoretical and practical connections favouring the creation of a structural framework around Muntadas’ production.

The association is made up of consultant members, active members and friends. The consultant members are responsible for questions affecting the archive’s structure and inner workings. Active members have developed a constant and deeply personal relationship with Muntadas’ work. Friends of the association provide economic resources for the functioning of ARXIU/AM and/or the development of other specific projects. These contributions’ are used for the consolidation of the archive, the activation of projects and the establishment of an international information network covering both organizations and people. If you wish to become a friend, please click here.
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