Base en tránsito II: Workplace + Research + Context
Artist Residency Call organised by ARXIU/AM
You can read Enrique Fuenteblanca‘s diary of his stay on this page.
The jury unanimously decided that the artist in residence for the 2022-2023 edition of Base en tránsito will be Enrique Fuenteblanca, who will develop the project Pamplona-Grazalema, Grazalema-Pamplona. Itinerarios inversos de lo popular a lo público, o recontextualizaciones de la obra Pamplona-Grazalema de Antoni Muntadas.
Enrique Fuenteblanca is a writer, producer and visual artist. Understanding the concepts of literary space, rewriting, quotation and derivation as ways of operating artistically, his work is traversed by the ideas of the popular, the profane and the sacred, the public as political and the hybridisation of media. He is an active member of the Plataforma Independiente de Estudios Flamencos Modernos y Contemporáneos, from which he develops projects on flamenco as a cultural field such as COREOGRAFÍAS. Bailes y danzas de Vicente Escudero (Centro Federico García Lorca de Granada), the exhibition cycles tejido doble. Teresa Lanceta, Ceija Stojka, Mónica Valenciano and Nathalié Bellón (pie.fmc) or El 22. La forma-concurso. La cristalización del Flamenco como género entre las músicas del mundo, for the 22nd edition of the Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla. Without separating the fields of artistic creation and production, he works at BNV Producciones, from which he has developed projects such as Máquinas de Trovar. Pedro G. Romero (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía), Ensayos sobre lo Cutre. Miguel Benlloch (Instituto de Arte Moderno de Valencia) and Excercises of Past and Present Memories. Antoni Muntadas (Ateneo de Manila and Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo). He is the author of the books Des-naturalizaciones (Editorial Libero, 2020), Incendio/Alejandría (Bandaáparte Ediciones, 2021) and Notas para un papel que arde (Letraversal, 2022), as well as writing for shows such as Carnación, by the dancer Rocío Molina.
You can access his website here.
You can read the artist’s diary of his stay on this page.
The jury would also like to announce that the proposals of Iris Torruella and Juan Antonio Cerezuela were finalists in the selection process. We would like to thank these people, and all the participants, for their interest in the call for proposals.

Base en tránsito II is the second edition of the artistic research residency offered by the Associació Arxiu Muntadas. Centre d’Estudis i Recerca (ARXIU/AM). It consists of a month-long stay for the development of a research and collaboration proposal in the spaces of ARXIU/AM and Muntadas | Studio. It offers a place to work and accompaniment in the creative process, as well as immersion in the environment of an art association-archive and the studio of an artist with an extensive international career. With the aim of collaborating in the promotion of the artistic and professional career of an agent related to artistic research, Base en tránsito II provides the opportunity to observe first-hand the professional dynamics surrounding the work and career of Antoni Muntadas, through the following activities:
- Starting up the selected agent’s own project (or developing one that has already begun).
- Implementation of a research and collaboration programme with Muntadas | Studio and ARXIU/AM, to be agreed between the selected researcher and these entities.
- By means of an online working diary, dissemination of the stay, the programme and the collaboration with ARXIU/AM and the Districte Cultural de l’Hospitalet.
Base en tránsito II is aimed at artists, art history and humanities researchers, art critics, archivists, architects and, in general, agents in the creative and cultural field; also at other researchers interested in the arts from the social sciences, with special interest in interdisciplinarity, teamwork and project methodologies.
Special consideration will be given to all those whose work revolves around concepts such as “context”, “project”, “research”, “involvement”, “curiosity” or “archive”, as well as other themes characteristic of Muntadas’ artistic practice, such as the media, social protocols, translation, censorship or public space, among others.
No geographical limits will be set as to where people come from, but it should be noted that attendance is required and accommodation is not provided, as described in the “HOW” section below.
From ARXIU/AM we consider that, in the world in which we live, the acceleration of processes and dematerialised productivism generate contradictory situations in thought, creativity and ways of working. At the same time that exchanges are encouraged, there is a lack of places for reflection.
Base en tránsito II aims to enable a critical look at the place of art, culture and their ways of doing, which today take many different forms: from individual practices carried out in studios or other private places, to collaborative and networked, post-studio, site-specific and contextual methodologies.
This research and/or artistic research residency seeks to foster commitment and cooperation, as elements of activation and cohesion of the research. The main objective will be to offer tools for the transversal development of research methodologies in contemporary art and culture, helping in parallel to the immersion of the selected agent in a professional context.
Base en tránsito II begins with the present public call for proposals for artistic research, from which an agent in residence will be chosen. This person will have a working space in the facilities of Muntadas | Studio and ARXIU/AM, and a period of one month to develop his/her project.
At the proposal of the selected agent, a research and collaboration calendar will be established with ARXIU/AM, which will serve to enrich the artistic research project, but also to acquire professional knowledge about the field of contemporary art; specifically about the contemporary art archive, and/or the active processes and themes developed by Muntadas throughout his career.
The result, in addition to the residency itself and the research and collaboration programme, will take the form of a working diary that the selected agent will have to develop throughout the period, and which will be disseminated online on the ARXIU/AM websites.
It is offered:
- Workspace with internet, and access to the shared services of Muntadas | Studio and ARXIU/AM (toilet, dining area).
- Access to work materials and documentation available at ARXIU/AM (archive on the practices developed by Muntadas, basic audiovisual equipment, according to requirements and availability).
- Accompaniment and monitoring of the selected project.
- Research and collaboration programme with ARXIU/AM, at the proposal of the selected person, to be agreed between the selected person and the staff of the association-archive.
- A total amount of €600 gross, to be invoiced by the selected agent, as fees and production for the entire period of the residency.
- Dissemination space for an online working diary to give visibility to the artistic residency.
It will be required:
- Commitment to start and finish the stay during the month of residency, as well as to complete the online working diary.
- Commitment to propose and fulfil the research and collaboration programme with ARXIU/AM according to the agreed terms. This programme must be designed taking into account that the Muntadas | Studio and ARXIU/AM teams meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 am to 2 pm.
- Compliance with the rules for the use of the spaces.
- Once the result of the call has been communicated, the selected person must invoice the fees (€600 gross for the total of the stay) before 27 December 2022.
The call for proposals of Base en tránsito II is divided into 3 moments:
- Preliminary project pre-selection.
In this first phase, and based on the materials received, the ARXIU/AM team will pre-select up to 5 proposals, based on a motivation letter and a brief CV. It will be necessary to send:
- Motivation letter (max. 1 page).
- Agent’s statement + current projects (max. 1 page).
- Updated CV (max. 1 page).
Applications shall be sent in a single PDF document, maximum 15Mb, to the email The subject of the email shall be “Base en tránsito II / Primera fase / (Name of person)”.
- Visit to Muntadas | Studio and ARXIU/AM, and extension of the preliminary projects.
Meeting session with Muntadas | Studio and ARXIU/AM, so that the pre-selected agents can get to know the space, the context and the possibilities, with the aim of adjusting the proposals.
Period of extension of the preliminary projects and elaboration of the research and collaboration programme proposal.
- Extended motivation letter (max. 1 page).
- Project proposal to be developed (max. 4 pages).
- Research and collaboration programme (max. 2 pages).
Applications shall be sent in a single PDF document, maximum 15Mb, to the email The subject of the email shall be “Base en tránsito II / Proyecto / (Name of person)”.
- Selection of the proposal in residence.
In this third phase, and on the basis of the materials received, four external agents from the field of the arts (Esteban Andueza, curator and cultural project manager; Ezequiel Rosenfeldt, artist; Andi Dom Dom, artist; Filipa da Rocha Nunes, artist and cultural manager) and the ARXIU/AM team will select from among the extended proposals the one that best fits these guidelines, in accordance with the motivations and objectives of ARXIU/AM, and with the active processes and themes developed by Muntadas throughout his career. The final result of the deliberation, including the list of those shortlisted, will be made public on the ARXIU/AM networks and websites, as well as communicated by email to the people involved.
Any questions about the process or the conditions can be resolved by writing to The decisions taken in both phases will be unappealable. The submission of the application for residency implies acceptance of these rules.
- Launch of the call: 15 October 2022.
- Closing of the pre-selection phase: 30 October 2022.
- Internal communication of the pre-selection: 31 October to 4 November 2022.
- Visit to the spaces: 7 to 11 November 2022 (day to be confirmed).
- Period for extending proposals: 7 to 27 November 2022.
- Final selection of the proposal in residence: 27 November to 2 December 2022.
- Period of the residency: 5 December 2022 to 15 January 2023.
- Working diary: during the period of the residency.
- Presentation of results: second half of January 2023.
The workspace will be located on the facilities of Muntadas | Studio and ARXIU/AM, in the Barri de Santa Eulàlia de l’Hospitalet (C/ Corominas). Occasionally, the collaboration programme may also be developed at the ARXIU/AM offices in Barcelona.
Base en tránsito II is a programme of artistic residencies organised by ARXIU/AM, in collaboration with Muntadas | Studio, and with the support of the Districte Cultural de l’Hospitalet.
Muntadas is a multidisciplinary artist based in Barcelona and New York, whose career addresses (and therefore allows his work allows to address) a large number of themes, concepts and problems. The Associació Arxiu Muntadas. Centre d’Estudis i Recerca (ARXIU/AM) is inspired by his artistic practice and his ways of doing. The three main principles with which Muntadas | Studio and ARXIU/AM base themselves within the territory of l’Hospitalet is on the contribution to development, artistic research, and knowledge transfer. More information at

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