Pamplona: video/arte


La muestra "Pamplona: video/arte" expone uno de los fenómenos artísticos mas característicos de la década de los setenta, el llamado "video-arte". Esta hecho está presentado en Pamplona en forma de un espectro teórico-practico que pretende abarcar a las distintas formulas expresivas que ele video posibilita en el sector de la comunicación artística. 

Video Net. Documentation of video/performances activities at the Alberta College of Art Gallery.


The exhibition is focused on the works of a small group of contemporary artists that are working on art and dealing with the social people's live. Most of their work involve still photography and video; most relies heavily on written or spoken language: an art that refers to something beyond itself. 

The Kitchen Center for Video and Music 75-76

The Last Ten Minutes, March 14-20, 1976

Three channel video installation with private headphones for three languages.

A simultaneous playback of daily late-night broadcast television taped directly (from the screen) in various countries, juxtaposed with urban street scenes. "The Last Ten Minutes" forms part of Proyecto A Traves Latin-America (Nov. '75-Feb '76) a work in progress which co-ordinates Art, Life and the concepts of time (4 months) and space (itinerary through several countries).