Political Advertisement X 1952-2020

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Political Advertisement
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Descripción / Sinopsis

Proyecto realizado en colaboración a Marshall Reese.

Proyecto en curso, revisado cada cuatro años, que compila anuncios publicitarios emitidos por televisión de las sucesivas campañas políticas a la presidencia de Estados Unidos desde 1952 hasta la actualidad. Realizada en colaboración con Marshall Reese.



Political Advertisement X 1952-2020 edited by Muntadas and Reese

For 36 years, Muntadas and Reese have been compiling a history of presidential campaign spots following the evolution of political advertising from its beginnings in1952 to the present. Political Advertisement X is a personal vision of how politics and politicians are presented through the medium of television.
Consisting of rare as well as notorious footage with no voice-over editorializing, Muntadas and Reese have created a tour de force of witty and incisive editing. Political Advertisement X: 1952–2020 argues for television’s enormous importance in selling the presidency—a force that transforms citizens into consumers and the presidency into the ultimate product.
                             – Bill Horrigan, Curator at Large, Wexner Center