I Festival de Vídeo en el XXX Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián

Lugar de exposición
Individual / Colectiva
Fecha inicial (1) / final (2)
Fecha exacta
Fecha exacta
Proyectos expuestos
Descripción / Sinopsis

El Festival de Vídeo de San Sebastián, inedit in Spain, adapted the international models of film proposals in order to examine the different perspectives and areas from which media was used for different sectors and actors.

This unique international event took place in the years 1982, 1983 and 1984 in the frame of the San Sebastian Film Festival. It was adressed to examining the international and state videographic production, pondering on the diverse ways in which the medium of video was used, either by authors, educational communities or museums, art galleries and televisions in Western countries.

Being the first festival of sort to be organized in Spain, it took as a first reference the format of the film festivals with contests, monographs, retrospectives, panoramas, etc. until finding in EITB (Basque Channel of television), an unpublished form of diffusion of the program that surpassed the 30,000 spectators.

All three editions of the festival were carried out thanks to the collaboration of leading museums and telvision channels internationally and were attended by numerous authors, like Robert Wilson, Muntadas or Bill Viola.

Extraído de: https://loop-barcelona.com/activity/el-festival-de-video-de-san-sebastian/

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