Vinyl. Records and covers by artists

Exposición presentada primero en el Neues Museum Weserburg de Bremen en (2005) y posteriormente en el MACBA de Barcelona (2006). Basada en la Colección Guy Schraenen, de la que no hay otra que sea tan exhaustiva, la exposición ofrecia una visión internacional del registro de artista: desde Dada hasta Fluxus, de los futuristas a los Einstürzende Neubauten, de Eric Satie a John Cage, de Laurie Anderson a Laibach, de Beuys a Warhol...

Netspace. Nat Archives. Viaggio nell'arte della rete

NetSpace: viaggio nell’arte della Rete, a cura di Elena Giulia Rossi, nasce per iniziativa e con il supporto del Servizio Educativo come evoluzione di Net Archives, che ha appena concluso il suo percorso biennale (2005-2006). Realizzato nell’ambito di Net Web Art, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Rosselli, Net Archives ha ripercorso, alcune tappe fondamentali della storia della net/web art conservandone così una traccia preziosa.

Temps de Vídeo. 1965-2005.Coŀlecció Nouveaux Médias del Centre Pompidou amb la participació de la coŀlecció d 'art contemporani Fundació "La Caixa"

Donar a conèixer la creació contemporània trencant les barreres que, sovint, la separen del públic és un dels objectius de l’Obra Social ”la Caixa”. Ja el 1990, la Fundació ”la Caixa” va presentar a Barcelona Passages de l’image, exposició produïda pel Centre Georges Pompidou (i també comissariada per Christine van Assche) que va arribar a ser un punt de referència en el camp dels nous llenguatges artístics.

Database Imaginary


An international touring exhibition of art works that use databases to comment on their uses and to imagine unknown uses. Database Imaginary presents twenty-one art projects in a broad variety of old and new media by individual and teams of artists between 1971 and 2004.

inSite. Art Practices in the Public Domain.San Diego Tijuana

nSite_05 seeks to interweave situations of flux, mobility, and experiences of interconnectedness. It brings together a group of artists and curators who aspire to stimulate the gestation of new utopias of belonging and dynamics of creative association through artistic practices. inSite_05 will attempt to encourage art experiences in the public arena that explore and unravel the social weave of the San Diego-Tijuana region.

Dass die körper sprechen, auch das wiseen wie seit langem / That bodies speak has been known for a long time

This international group exhibition, whose title quotes the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, emphasizes the languages of the body. The presentation concentrates on the body as the protagonist of both voluntary and involuntary actions, as the conveyor of contradictory messages, while at the same time highlighting its potential for resistance. In particular, the exhibition interrogates the influences and desires that affect gestic expression.