Memoria 2009


El presidente de la Fundación Marcelino Botín, Emilio Botín, presentó la Memoria 2008 de esta institución en una convocatoria a los medios de comunicación celebrada el 17 de junio de 2009. La presentación tuvo lugar en El Promontorio de Santander. […]

Fundação De Serralves Um Museu Português / Fundação De Serralves A Portuguese Museum


As a part of the Universal Exhibition Sevilla 92, the Arts Pavillion aims to be symbol of the international artistic vanguards, joined together on this occasion to show the world´s contemporary art, from the roots of the 20th century, represented by masters, to the latest tendencies of what has been called "third generation". Technology, ethnics, tradition and vanguard will become synthesis and antithesis of our own century, here represented.