International Lexicon of Aesthetics: "Museal Communication"


The concept of museal communication comprises three areas: architecturalcommunication; internal communication, that is, a museum’s “itinerary” and structure; and communication of content, or rather mission. Each of these aspects can be the object of specific procedures. In short, we will deal with the communication of content and, specifically, with art museums considered as a cultural and aesthetic paradigm.

In Between Arada Tra [Folleto]


This publication is the result of three courses/seminars held at the Faculty of Arts and Design, Graduate Program in Visual Arts, Laboratorio di arti visive 1, Università Iuav di Venezia, Venice (Italy), Fall 2008. at the Visual Arts Program - Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge (USA), Spring 2009, and "Lives and Works in Istanbul" in Istanbul (Turkey), Summer 2009. The subject, the state of being In Between is taken as a point of departure and finally connected to the three cities: Venice, Cambridge and mainly Istambul.