Tele(visions) puts the most popular medium of the 20th century in a contemporary art perspective. TV is not only our main supplier of information, entertainment, and infotainment, but also a kind comforter to the lonely, the baby-sitter that children really love, a relaxant, and, to some, the no. 1 cultural epidemic. TV is the largest available reservoir of the collective memory, creating and transforming identities ? no least because it makes the private public. Tele(visions) shows how artists have incorporated, critically questioned, and occasionally reinvented their TV
Sin Título [José Manuel Moreno Domínguez]
Laura García-Lorca
Más allá de los árboles
Para conmemorar el 40 aniversario del Museo Tamayo, Más allá de los árboles hace un rastreo de aquellos sucesos históricos, políticos y culturales que marcaron los años que abarcan la construcción y apertura del Museo Tamayo (1979 -1981), a través de cinco núcleos expositivos que ocupan todos los espacios del museo.
Exercises on Past and Present Memories
enowned conceptual artist Antoni Muntadas launches his first exhibition in Manila titled Muntadas: Exercises on Past and Present Memories in collaboration with the Ateneo Art Gallery (AAG) and Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla (CAAC). Muntadas presents three projects that translate memories and histories of the Philippines and Spain and their relevance to contemporary history