Ciencia y Arte: el IBEC colabora en una obra de Antoni Muntadas en el Ars Electronica 2022


¿Cuándo se considera extinto un ser vivo? Esta es una de las cuestiones fundamentales de la obra de arte presentada en el Ars Electronica 2022 por Antoni Muntadas, artista catalán afincado en EUA y reconocido mundialmente. Para abordar el tema, el artista ha presentado una obra basada en el tigre de Tasmania, en la que el IBEC ha colaborado de la mano de Benedetta Bolognesi.

Antoni Muntadas works overview - III - vanguard 画廊- 崇真艺客


Muntadas aims to address social, political, and communication issues such as the relationship between public and private space within social frameworks, and investigates channels of information and the ways they may be used to censor or promulgate ideas. Vanguard Gallery is pleased to review Muntadas's works in a total of three posts, allowing the readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the artist's practice which uses multiple perspectives to observe, think and create. The current post is the last one with "censorship and supervision" as the central clue.