Muntadas: Emisio/Recepcio


Kent’s show will feature two installations, both of which use slide projection: Emisio/Recepcio of 1974/2002, which has never been shown in New York, and La Television of 1980, which has not been seen in New York since it was included in the 1983 exhibition “Dark Rooms” at Artists’ Space. Emisio/Recepcio uses two slide projectors to juxtapose a series of images of TV sets taken in public and private spaces with a series of images of people watching TV in the same spaces.

Muntadas: On Translation: El Aplauso, Captures #20.

Antoni Muntadas, né en 1942 à Barcelone (Espagne) est un artiste multimédia. Après des études d’architecture et d’ingénierie à Barcelone, Muntadas choisit de se consacrer à l’art. Il s’installe à New York (É.-U.) en 1971. Son travail a été largement exposé, entre autre, au Museum of Modern Art, à la Biennale de Venise en 2005 où il représentait l’Espagne, la documenta 6 et à la documenta X.

Muntadas: El Aplauso

This triptych video installation was produced in collaboration with the Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, Bogota, Colombia and the Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio. Following the File Room, 1994, Muntadas embarked on an extended series of installations entitled On Translation with El Aplauso having been included in every major retrospective since it’s initial realization in Columbia.