For Credits (1984), Muntadas has edited together a sequence of credits, such as those found at the end of films and television programs , and displays them in a loop.
In Credits, Muntadas' analysis of the media landscape extends to what he terms the "invisible" information behind mass media productions. By isolating the credits of several TV and film productions — The Lawrence Welk Show, ABC's Wide World of Sports, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, among others — from their original context, he demonstrates that the language, sound/music, visuals, graphics, typography, format and rhythm reflect how the producers and producing institutions choose to represent themselves. In a tape that he intends to have no beginning and no end, Muntadas deconstructs and rereads the credits until they become pure information.
Mercader, A (ed.). (1998). Muntadas Proyectos. Madrid: Fundación Arte y Tecnología.
- Public Domain, LACE, Los Angeles, 1985
- San Francisco Video Gallery, 1985
- Public Domain, Kent Fine Arts, Nueva York, 1989
- ARCO (espacio Kent Fine Arts), Madrid, 1989
Una sucesión de títulos de crédito de películas y programas de TV de todo tipo desfila, sin principio ni fin, por la pantalla de un televisor emplazado en un mueble compartido por libros y otros objetos... Televisión ambiental y zen, sopa de letras entremezcladas con imágenes y músicas, o visibilidad excitada de lo usualmente desapercibido: jerarquías profesionales, imagen de empresa, identidad del producto...
A succession of film and TV credits of all types, without beginning or end, unfolds on a television screen housed in a cabinet shared by books and other objects... Background television and zen, a word soup mixed up with images and music, or thrilled visibility of that which usually goes unnoticed: professional hierarchies, company image, product identity...