L' Illusione della luce.The Illusion of light. L'illusion des lumières


“The Illusion of Light” brings together works by contemporary artists who, from the 1960s to today, have explored the physical and aesthetic, symbolic and philosophical stakes of an essential dimension of human experience: light.

Through the work of twenty contemporary artists, the visitor is invited along the way to create his own path between the opposite polarities of black and white, day and night, visible and invisible, realty and illusion.

The exhibition catalogue is published by Electa. Graphic design by Leonardo Sonnoli, Tassinari/Vetta.

Zentsura at! 8. VIII. Zentsuraren aurkako jaialdia / VIII. Festival contra la censura / VIII. Festival Against Censorship.


La censura en las artes escénicas ha sido y es implementada por estados, regiones, sistemas de educación, familias, vencedores y grupos de presión; y en la mayoría de los casos violan los convenios internacionales de los derechos humanos.

En nuestro caso, en nuestra propia casa, son muchos los artistas que se han visto censurados, sus conciertos suspendidos, denunciados a la justicia, juzgados, ... El listado no tiene fin y la lista se va ampliando día a día.

Nostalgia is an Extended Feedback


Nostalgia is an Extended Feedback is borrowed from the phrase that Paik himself used as a title for his essay written in 1992 and also for one of his artworks, which, alluding to the key concept of cybernetics, i.e., feedback, is intended to emphasize the importance of looking back upon the past. This exhibition aims to enable the nostalgia for Paik felt today amplify the feedback from yesterday so that it will give rise to feedforward for tomorrow.