Visions. MIT Interviews


I am deeply interested in and concerned by today's urgent and diverse global challenges. Inspired by the fact that in every hallway at MIT, where I teach Photography and Related Media in the MIT Visual Arts Program, there are world/class minds conducting cutting/edge research, I set out to sew together disparate threads by creating a kaleidoscopic subjective interview collection.

En las ciudades


El mismo día que se clausuraba la 51a edición de la Bienal de Venecia, el 6 de noviembre de 2005, mantuvimos una extensa conversación con Antoni Muntadas pocas horas antes de que su poryecto On Translation: I Giardini en el Pabellón español empezara a desmontarse. (...)

Antonio Muntadas


The 51st Venice Biennale is the tenth occasion that Audio Arts has attended and made 'on the spot' recordings with artists, curators and visiting commentators. The aim being to 'catch the mood' of this unique event and to participate in the dialogues and discourses that characterize and define the views, ideas and critical responses to this major bi-annual art world event.