The Citrus Project

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Individual / Colectiva
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Descripción / Sinopsis

Over the years, fourteen international artists have worked with Vicente Todolí to produce this solidarity project aimed to raise funds for the citrus foundation. Their contributions are a sign of their gratitude, each of them honouring Todolí’s work from their personal point of view. The fourteen pieces exhibited in San Gimignano are collected inside a one-of-akind Collection Box. These works, ranging from photographs to engravings to monotypes, are by Mirosław Bałka, Tacita Dean, Nan Goldin, Paul Graham, Carsten Höller, Roni Horn, Cristina Iglesias, Ragnar Kjartansson, Julie Mehretu, Cildo Meireles, Matt Mullican, Antoni Muntadas, Philippe Parreno and Julião Sarmento.

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